Larry Preston

Champion of Endless Optimization (CEO) at Digital Opera & Raceday.
Happy stoic, aspirational minimalist, recovered big hair 80’s rock star.
Author of Star Fire Kids – Midnight Blue Express.
Certified Guitar Junkie

True Colors Extra

In the fall or summer of 1989 or 1990, I was an extra in the movie True Colors starring James Spader, John Kusack and Imogene Stubbs. I was working in the studio when I got a call asking me to do it.. the pay was not so bad, and there was a free lunch involved, so I thought it would be fun to see how a movie is made.

Much of the filming occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia, and the nightclub scene was at TRAX. I was in the night club scene dancing on a chair.

If you look insanely close at that scene, you might be able to make out my pony tail. The movie was released in March of ’91 and bombed at the box office.

This is the scene I was in.. if you look really, really, really close you can almost see my ponytail LOL.